
I am the author or co-author of 9 books published in the last twelve years. Here's a summary of each of them.

Brand storytelling nel metaverso

How can you make brand storytelling evolve in virtual environments? Moving from classic to digital media, brand communication has changed a lot. Brands, accustomed for decades to telling their stories on TV, had to quickly learn how to do storytelling in social media. Now another, probably even more decisive shift is brewing. Although some have doubts about it, the metaverse is coming. It has been at the center of gaming for many years. More importantly, it is emerging with dizzying speed in many other areas thanks to the unstoppable development of technologies. In this new space, brands will not be able to miss out, as doing so would pose a great risk. In fact, the new generations of consumers will be there, ready to adopt with ease the technologies of the new immersive digital environments. Discover 17 strategies that can help you make your brand relevant in the metaverse. Language: Italian. Published in 2022.


AI Brands

Ripensare le marche nell'economia algoritmica

For some time now, conversations between brands and consumers have been entering a new dimension. The time for dialogue with artificial intelligence has opened up. If until yesterday the dialogue with brands was based on a human-to-human exchange (albeit mediated by various channels and media), now the conversation involves a human-to-machine exchange. The most advanced brands are inviting us to interact with their AIs - their algorithms and intelligent systems. The shift is sensational, and so innovative that we are all struggling to understand its consequences. The book explores how, for the first time in the history of humankind, the most advanced technologies of AI, natural language processing, and voice recognition are making it possible to design digital systems through which people can converse with organizations in a simple, natural language -- while dealing with entirely artificial entities. Language: Italian. Published in 2021.

Storytelling e intelligenza artificiale

Quando le storie le raccontano i robot

Since time immemorial, storytelling has been the exclusive domain of man. No other living creature has ever demonstrated this particular inclination, linked to typically human prerogatives such as language and symbolic thinking. From now on, however, with a break of historical importance still difficult to understand, telling stories may no longer be a purely human undertaking. Although in the current phase algorithms and artificial intelligence tend to intervene mainly with help functions, they too can increasingly be considered not only mechanisms of reproduction but real creators of new stories and tales. With AI soon capable of competing with us in the sophisticated art of storytelling, the world will never be the same again. Language: Italian. Published in 2017.

Customer Experience Design

Progettare esperienze di marca memorabili sui media digitali

Today all main companies are competing not just in improving their products and services but also in the so-called experience economy. And this new dimension of the economy is more and more digital – meaning that the most competitive companies are those which succeed in providing highly satisfying online experiences seamlessly connected to the physical ones. The customer journey is generally viewed as a path going from awareness to consideration, evaluation, purchase and then a final stage in which people may use social media to share their experience. But this book shows how today’s customer journey is most often digitally socialised in all its stages: before, during and after the purchasing moment. Language: Italian. Published in 2017.

Giochi da prendere sul serio.

Gamification, storytelling e game design per progetti innovativi

Gamification is fun - but it must be taken seriously. Otherwise it can easily lead to a waste of time and resources. When conceived and implemented correctly, it has the potential for giving a boost to your internal processes and your marketing and communication activities. In fact, gamification is about engaging and motivating people. This book explains how it works, with a clear set of guiding principles and several examples of gamified experiences at companies and institutions. Language: Italian. Published in 2015.

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Branded content.

La nuova frontiera della comunicazione d'impresa

Branded content is the new big trend in corporate communication. It is driven by three main factors: the need for companies to limit their expensive advertising spending; the exciting social media landscape which pushes companies to become publishers; and the openness of media channels, even TV channels, to host quality content from companies at very low cost or for free. Companies can hugely benefit from starting producing their own original content, aimed at informing, educating and entertaining their audiences. Read how your brand can become an autonomous storytelling source and attract a lot of interest in the process. Language: Italian. Published in 2014.

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Storie virali.

Come creare racconti di marca capaci di diffondersi in modo esplosivo nel web

Why some brand videos are able to ignite viral wildfires and other attempts are unsuccessful? Many contend this issue is impossible to solve as viral, by its nature, is unpredictable. Still, in this debate one topic has not got the necessary attention: the role of storytelling – or, to be more precise, the relationship between viral processes and how brand stories are built. To what extent spontaneous sharing on the web depends on the way a story is structured? And how should a story aiming at viral diffusion exactly be? This book offers a detailed answer to those questions, providing a list of guiding factors to improve the chances of your story going viral. Language: Italian. Published in 2012.

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Web storytelling.

Costruire storie di marca nei social media

The age in which pre-defined and invasive brand stories were able to push sales is drawing to an end. Web users are less and less interested in one-directional messages and want to be involved in new forms of narrative sharing. In the new world of social media characterised by freedom, dialogue and participation, brand storytelling has huge opportunities to appeal to people’s imagination. But companies must rethink their traditional communication approach and understand how to involve employees and customers in the process of content creation. Language: Italian. Published in 2012. New edition: 2018.

Marketing narrativo.

Usare lo storytelling nel marketing contemporaneo

In a not distant past, marketing and storytelling were separate domains. No longer. Brands and products are becoming inseparable from their stories – sometimes brands and products are stories. When people are less interested in objects and more interested in meaning, any effort to sell has to enter the realm of narrative marketing. In this inspiring world the rules are different. And the new challenges are many because the best brands are already there. Discover how you can compete with your stories in the effort to gain narrative supremacy for your brands and products. Language: Italian. Published in 2011.
