Category: Storytelling

May 13, 2020 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

In the first two decades of this century, a number of stories have dominated the world news. Among the most riveting: the Islamic wars fought by the US and its allies after Nine Eleven; the worrying deterioration of the environment caused by climate change; the emergence of China as world power and factory of the…

April 8, 2020 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

The dynamics of the coronavirus crisis is proving that Bill Gates had it right. In a now-famous TED talk video dated April 3, 2015, he predicted that “if anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war”. And he was…

January 20, 2020 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

La presentazione dei Neon a CES 2020, il grande evento sulla tecnologia tenutosi a inizio Gennaio a Las Vegas, ha fatto sensazione. Creati da Star Labs, il dipartimento di ricerca tecnologica avanzata di Samsung, i Neon sono stati descritti come “esseri virtuali creati con tecnica computazionale che appaiono e si comportano come umani reali, con…

May 3, 2019 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

Alcune settimane fa DeepVogue, un software di intelligenza artificiale di Shenlan (‘Deep Blue’) Technology ha vinto il secondo premio all’International Competition of Innovative Fashion Design di Shanghai. Un concorso internazionale importante, al quale hanno partecipato 15 scuole di fashion design altamente qualificate come ESMOD, Istituto Europeo di Design, Tsinghua University Academy of Arts & Design…

January 29, 2019 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

Da oggi il  mio ultimo libro è in libreria e può essere acquistato su Amazon. Di cosa parla? Le prime righe della quarta di copertina ne danno un’idea: “Da tempi immemorabili, il racconto di storie è stato dominio esclusivo dell’uomo. Nessun’altra creatura vivente ha mai dato prova di questa particolare inclinazione, legata a prerogative tipicamente…

April 23, 2018 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming ubiquitous. We learn of stunning innovations due to AI, machine learning, augmented reality every day. Thus, it is only a matter of time before these extraordinary developments affect the world of storytelling too. In fact, the process has already started. Are you ready to be told new stories by robots?…

February 11, 2018 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

The seamless launch of the Falcon Heavy by Elon Musk’s SpaceX initiative last week is an impressive success: the rocket is incredibly big and powerful, and its technical advancement is such that NASA is now interested in purchasing some of its next flights. That’s an extraordinary accomplishment. But what really struck me is the branding…

October 22, 2017 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

The commercial that Nike launched for the new NBA season a few days ago sums up the values at the core of the brand. The ad opens on a young kid named Dante Grand holding a basketball as he stares at a neighbourhood basketball match. Then he starts dreaming about his future, and we follow…

May 14, 2017 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

As something coming from an oven and deeply rooted in tradition, pizza may seem a low-tech type of food. Indeed, if you just think of what you eat – that delicious, universally loved combination of dough, tomato and cheese – it is.  But that’s not keeping Domino’s from taking a very advanced technological approach to…

May 3, 2017 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

After almost a year of determined work my friend Alberto Maestri and I have finally published our last book, of which we are very proud. It’s called Customer Experience Design and it’s about how companies can design memorable brand experiences. How relevant is this topic? Indeed, its importance can hardly be overestimated. Today all main…