Category: Experience design

May 3, 2019 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

Alcune settimane fa DeepVogue, un software di intelligenza artificiale di Shenlan (‘Deep Blue’) Technology ha vinto il secondo premio all’International Competition of Innovative Fashion Design di Shanghai. Un concorso internazionale importante, al quale hanno partecipato 15 scuole di fashion design altamente qualificate come ESMOD, Istituto Europeo di Design, Tsinghua University Academy of Arts & Design e la China Academy of Art.

La vittoria è significativa perché è la prima volta che accade; e perché è un’altra prova del fatto che l’AI sta guadagnando capacità crescenti di operare nel campo della creatività. Certo la tecnologia di DeepVogue, come hanno riconosciuto i rappresentanti di Shenlan Technology, richiede notevoli input da parte di stilisti umani; ma poi il sistema utilizza il ‘deep learning’ (una tecnologia avanzata basata su reti neurali) per studiare ampi database di informazioni e quindi produrre modelli originali. Modelli a quanto pare di tale eleganza da conquistare il panel di 50 giudici della manifestazione, inducendoli a conferire a DeepVogue anche il “People’s Choice Award”.

Come ha notato un articolo di Enterprise Innovation, DeepVogue è stato costruito per verificare se l’AI possiede oggi quelle capacità di pensiero non lineare e ‘talento creativo’ necessari per dare vita a modelli in grado di figurare bene nelle più grandi sfilate di moda al mondo. Il risultato è decisamente positivo e sembra inaugurare un’epoca in cui la fashion industry sarà sempre più guidata dai driver paralleli dell’innovazione tecnologica e della creatività culturale.

Che l’AI riesca in questo campo, così sottratto alla logica, indubbiamente colpisce. La moda, nelle sue infinite variazioni di lunghezze, fogge, tagli, colori,  ha sempre avuto qualcosa di ineffabile, ciò che è all’origine dei costi a volte assurdi delle creazioni ritenute migliori. Ma se alcuni stilisti di gran successo possono vantare il tratto del genio, le macchine hanno dalla loro quello della potenza di elaborazione. DeepVogue ad esempio distingue 16 milioni di colori, e questo probabilmente può avvantaggiarlo nella scelta della tonalità vincente nella prossima stagione.

Questa incursione dell’intelligenza artificiale sul terreno del fashion design avviene nello stesso momento in cui la tecnologia fa passi straordinari sul terreno dello storytelling (come ho raccontato nel mio ultimo libro). Dimostrando in modo sempre più convincente, se ce ne fosse ancora bisogno, che gli algoritmi, pur basati su codici e principi matematici, hanno ottime carte da giocare anche quando si tratta di colpire la fantasia e l’immaginazione umana.

April 23, 2018 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming ubiquitous. We learn of stunning innovations due to AI, machine learning, augmented reality every day. Thus, it is only a matter of time before these extraordinary developments affect the world of storytelling too. In fact, the process has already started.

Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

Are you ready to be told new stories by robots? When do you think that could happen? For many, this idea is at the same time fascinating and troubling. When debating this issue at a recent Milan Digital Week conference, some issues kept popping up: How can machines create a meaningful story? Can they really involve us emotionally? Can stories based on algorithms be original? In general, there were more sceptics than believers. But in this area, like in many others, things are changing fast.


May 14, 2017 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

As something coming from an oven and deeply rooted in tradition, pizza may seem a low-tech type of food. Indeed, if you just think of what you eat – that delicious, universally loved combination of dough, tomato and cheese – it is.  But that’s not keeping Domino’s from taking a very advanced technological approach to all the surroundings. By doing so, the company is radically changing the pizza experience and its story.

In the last few months, Domino’s has announced a series of initiatives that are going to make the notion of eating pizza very different. In March the company’s CEO Ray Pasquale told Channele2e that Domino’s franchises are using Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to reduce food waste and increase health code standards. In April the company’s European branch presented Domino’s Robotic Unit, a futuristic robot with wheels that will ensure timely delivery of pizza within a 1mile radius around the franchises. The company is also testing the use of drones in New Zealand. (see articles by Ty Trumbull, Channele2e and Jennifer Faull, The Drum News).


May 3, 2017 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

After almost a year of determined work my friend Alberto Maestri and I have finally published our last book, of which we are very proud. It’s called Customer Experience Design and it’s about how companies can design memorable brand experiences.

How relevant is this topic? Indeed, its importance can hardly be overestimated. Today all main companies are competing not just in improving their products and services but also in the so-called experience economy. And this new dimension of the economy is more and more digital – meaning that that the most competitive companies are those which succeed in providing highly satisfying online experiences, that are seamlessly connected to the physical ones.

The book contains a lot of references to many authors who in recent times have analysed these developments, providing excellent insights. It also includes a charming preface by Robert Rose and a stimulating final comment by Cosimo Accoto. Compared to the other authors dealing with the same issues, our main point of difference is the special role we assign to all kind of digitally shared experiences.


September 22, 2016 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

Storytelling today is a very mediated activity. We mostly consume stories through movies, books, video games, TV series, social media, and so on. This also applies to brand storytelling, by which companies seek to appeal to increasingly connected customers. But what about traditional, face-to-face storytelling? Is it still relevant and useful? And could it play a role to the benefit of modern companies and brands?

I started to ask myself those questions after reading a very interesting piece by Caitlin Causey on Post Independent (September 15, 2016). The article informs about Spellbinders, a nonprofit organization based in Carbondale, Colorado, which specializes in oral storytelling. What do they do? Basically they organize volunteer storytellers, willing to work with children in preschool and elementary grades.


July 19, 2016 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

With the recently launched Pokemon Go app, the cute pocket monsters have taken the real world by storm. As everyone knows, in the first week from launch there were more than 7,5 million downloads just in the US. And the Pokemon Go mania has similarly grabbed the Millennial generation in many other countries across the planet, from New Zealand to Italy.

Such accomplishment is unprecedented. Numbers, however, do not describe it well enough. More telling clues are the crowds that flocked to Central Park last week, attracted by the sight of a rare Vaporeon; or the many young gamers you can easily spot everywhere, wandering the city, looking into their smartphone, and stopping excitedly for no apparent reason.

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The little creatures at the centre of this commotion – by the name of Pikachu, Squirtle, Charmander, Bulbasaur, among many others – may seem to make this case very specific. But in fact many brands can learn a lot from it. Here is what is making Pokemon Go an incredible success, opening new ways for other brands to engage and thrill their audiences.


June 23, 2016 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

There is more and more evidence that designing the right experience is key to the success of contemporary brands and companies. And this point was made exceptionally clear two months ago by Joe Gebbia, one of Airbnb’s two founders, in his speech at the TED conference in Vancouver.

If Airbnb has been so hugely successful it’s because – as Joe and his partner Brian Chesky discovered to their own surprise – good design can help people overcome their natural fears and get to trust perfect strangers. That’s actually how Airbnb came to life.

At the beginning, this was not crystal clear. And investors were not able to see how one could persuade people to rent their homes and their most private spaces to guests they knew nothing about. After all, said Joe, “we’ve all been taught, as kids, that strangers equal danger”.
