Author: Joseph Sassoon

April 8, 2020 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

The dynamics of the coronavirus crisis is proving that Bill Gates had it right. In a now-famous TED talk video dated April 3, 2015, he predicted that “if anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war”. And he was right on another crucial point – when he argued that “we’re not ready” to face such a catastrophe.

Our unpreparedness, which has become evident in the questionable way the crisis is being handled in many countries, has led to social distancing and personal isolation. This, in turn, has brought about an unprecedented reliance on digital tools that are helping us communicate and support the feeling of togetherness.

The push to digitalize is indeed one of the few benefits of this crisis, but it should not be overemphasized. It may be true that even grandma is learning to use Zoom, and that you can definitely hold that meeting online instead of going to the office. Surely, thanks to COVID-19 many are discovering how digital can be useful to their lives and work. The proof of this is the feeling of deprivation among the families and individuals who do not have computers at home (yes, there are more of them than you may think).

However, we should not celebrate this development as an all-encompassing solution for several reasons.

The first one is that, as humans, we are not made to live physically isolated for long. As Angela Dewan wrote on CNN, Humans Are Terrible at Social Distancing. Probably because touch is the first sense that a baby develops in the womb, we really like to be with other people and exchange handshakes, hugs and kisses. Touching each other releases the same chemicals in the brain and body (endorphins, etc.) that make us happy. This experience is what we miss in teleconferencing, and we’ll do whatever it takes to get it back.

In addition to that, the war against coronavirus must clearly be won in the physical world. When indicating viruses as the biggest threat to mankind, Bill Gates also suggested that the answer to this challenge has to be based on better international coordination among health systems, with the deployment of a rapid healthcare force, and possibly with some support from the military and its logistics capabilities – something that requires a lot of very concrete efforts and investments.

Another reason relates to the fact that the digital world is not exempt from limits and risks. Clearly the advancements of AI, machine learning, and robotics are improving our lives in countless ways and, hopefully, they may soon provide the way to beat this damned virus and other diseases. However, the notion of digitalizing all work doesn’t make sense.

Why? Because we’ll still need the hairdresser. Because being compelled to work digitally for 8 hours a day is alienating. And because technology is progressing so quickly that there’s a huge risk of losing control.

In fact, just as we have been hit by a virus in the real world, we could well be devastated by a very smart malevolent virus or unforeseen lethal algorithm in the digital one.  Elon Musk has been warning us of this danger for years (and Bill Gates too). Computers are now writing their own algorithms, and they are so complex that the human mind cannot comprehend them. In the long term Artificial Intelligence will become smarter than us, therefore relinquishing our grip on the physical world to transfer most of our activities online doesn’t seem a promising idea.

In brief, this is another area where people, organizations, and governments “are not ready”. Finding the right balance between physical and digital will simply become vital, and we should make our preparations to get there as fast as we can.

March 23, 2020 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

Storytellers are well aware that a story is only as good as its villain. Nobody wants to watch a movie where the hero faces no obstacle. That’s why finding a tough and terrifying villain is so crucial in making a story work (and sell). Today, although the coronavirus causing COVID-19 is undoubtedly a very serious matter, some experts in the scientific community say the panic surrounding it is not warranted. The fact is, the media all over the world are seizing on the opportunity of portraying this virus as the perfect enemy of us all. The consequence: a lot of people are scared as they have never been before. With the threat increasing, many switch to their instinct of individual survival and may start behaving irrationally (for instance, by panic buying). The symbolism of this unfolding conflict is very powerful, but it’s somewhat concealed. Here are some keys to decode it and put it in plain view.

A most unnerving enemy

SARS-CoV-2, the so-called coronavirus, is dangerous and it’s a killer. Many epidemiologists and political leaders warn that, if left unchecked, it could kill millions. Besides, it’s characterized by a series of traits that make it particularly frightening. It’s alien. It’s very contagious. It’s stealthy because it’s invisible. When magnified, with its ‘corona’ (crown) it appears at the same time beautiful and horrific. Its fatality rate (the percentage of the dead on the infected) is much lower than Ebola’s but much higher than the common flu’s. One may be infected without showing symptoms, meaning it may be anywhere, close to you. It’s cruel as it kills by preventing one from breathing. Currently, there’s no real defense against it. It’s different from all other viruses, so it’s basically unknown. As such, it’s unpredictable and ominous.

This description explains why the coronavirus is so distressing to many people. Yet the portrait may be somewhat misleading. So far, the number of deaths associated with this virus is just a fraction of that of malaria or rotavirus, or even AIDS (which has wiped out a total of 32 million people and is still killing over 700 thousand each year). As for cancer, according to the WHO it accounted for an estimated 9,6 million deaths in 2018. So, why isn’t people’s attention turned to those other medical conditions?

For several psychologists, the main reason is the fear of the unknown. People are less worried with diseases that have been around for a long time and whose cause is familiar – for instance, most people know that malaria, yellow fever, and dengue fever are caused by mosquitos. Instead, they are deeply concerned by coronavirus because scientists understand so little about it and its origin is controversial (a bat? a lab? a conspiracy?). A further reason for anxiety is the disturbing uncertainty it has injected into our lives, ravaging the economy and putting millions of jobs on the line.

Also, in a growing number of countries the virus has totally disrupted daily routines, as social distancing means no meetings, no events, no schooling, no restaurants, no pubs, no gym, no cinema – in short, no public life at all, which adds to the impression that coronavirus must be worse than any other disease. All these elements converge in making the crisis quite difficult to handle in terms of mental health and emotional challenges. 

The war has started

Anyway, despite being unprepared (as we have no weapons), we have already started this battle. Doctors and nurses on the front line say they “feel at war”, and the sentence has been picked up first by politicians and then by everyone else. Some may interpret it literally. In the US many rifle shops have now the longest queues, with people flocking to buy guns and ammunition: clearly it’s not about shooting the virus but – irrationally – trying to prepare for the unknown, one way or another.

The world over, scientific laboratories are at work in search of vaccines and treatments. Not by chance, in many countries the restrictions to the freedom of movement are now enforced by the army. The many sudden and tragic deaths due to the virus aggravate this feeling. In Bergamo, a northern Italian town close to Milan, the number of dead is so high that there’s no way to cremate all corpses locally, therefore somber military truck convoys carry the coffins elsewhere, in the surrounding regions. Strong symbols such as national flags and anthems are being shared to support social values and appeal to a sense of unity.

On the other side of the front, the coronavirus is alone – but symbolically no less powerful. Its strength is provided by its Darwinian, unique drive to expand by multiplying as much as possible. A sort of obsession, which however cannot be labeled this way as a virus in not a living entity. In a way, the condition of this coronavirus might be seen as pitiful. It’s tiny. It’s simply, as scientists say, ‘on the edge of life’ (like all viruses), meaning that it’s unable to survive on its own and compelled to enter other organisms in order to exist. It’s probably soon bound to be defeated by a vaccine and possibly eradicated from Earth like its cousin SARS-CoV (the virus responsible for SARS). But this end cannot be taken for granted, and for many months from now (some say at least eighteen) SARS-CoV-2 is threatening to wreak havoc all over the place.

The role of brands

So, the fight is underway and no one can escape it. We all have to decide which side we are on. It may seem that nobody will side with the virus but this is not necessarily true. All those who behave irresponsibly and, when infected, avoid quarantine, are acting in support of corona. But what about the role of brands? What is their position in this context and in this story? That’s a delicate question. Obviously brands, as important social players, should be on the side of mankind and provide all possible help to overcome this crisis.

Realistically, some of them will benefit and some will face very difficult times, depending on what industry they are in. Many companies operating online will thrive, while providing much needed goods and services at the same time. Other companies, like those related to travel and tourism, are already suffering. All brands, in any case, should take good care of their customers and their employees, protecting them from the health and economic implications that are impacting our societies.

Are brands doing all that they can? Not always. One meaningful example: I greatly appreciate the behavior of some outstanding newspapers that have decided to offer free access to their websites on the global coronavirus crisis. Instead, I am quite surprised to see other news websites that attract readers with alarming titles but reserve the information on the crisis to their paying subscribers – even when it’s about something vital for anyone to know. From a symbolic point of view, these brands are not on the side of the virus; but they are not really on the side of people, either. It’s an ambiguous position that should be corrected, the sooner the better. In this unsettling war, panic may be unwarranted but brands should definitely not try to make a profit from it.

Today the shop around the corner, the hairdresser, the physiotherapist or the little, nice restaurant are in dire straits. Most of these activities are being shut down, and require the solidarity of all. The biggest brands should do their part, showing what social responsibility actually means. And they must avoid certain temptations. For instance, in the current situation they shouldn’t inundate email boxes with newsletters aimed at stimulating captive customers to buy online things they don’t really need. That’s not the time to be greedy: it’s the time for brands to play their role of helpers, supporting the heroes of this battle – the normal consumers/citizens, the doctors and nurses, the little businesses – in their effort to overcome this moment and get their lives back.

Many are already doing the right thing. Brands such as Subway, Pret A Manger, Nando’s are offering discounts on food and free coffee to medical workers. Chinese tech companies have developed apps to provide citizens with detailed, verified and updated information on the virus outbreak. Eventually, when the crisis will pass, and it will pass, people will remember which brands were indeed helpful and which ones weren’t.

I discussed this article with my friend Alexander Linder, who contributed some valuable insights. Clearly Alexander is not responsible for the possible shortcomings of my piece.

February 13, 2020 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

Un articolo di James Freeze uscito due giorni fa su Forbes fa il punto sulle prospettive delle voci degli assistenti digitali. Freeze, che è Chief Marketing Officier di una società statunitense impegnata nel costruire assistenti virtuali voice-enabled, vede un immenso potenziale nelle capacità delle tecnologie legate alla voce di trasformare il modo in cui accediamo all’informazione e ci relazioniamo alle marche.


January 20, 2020 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

La presentazione dei Neon a CES 2020, il grande evento sulla tecnologia tenutosi a inizio Gennaio a Las Vegas, ha fatto sensazione. Creati da Star Labs, il dipartimento di ricerca tecnologica avanzata di Samsung, i Neon sono stati descritti come “esseri virtuali creati con tecnica computazionale che appaiono e si comportano come umani reali, con la capacità di mostrare emozioni e intelligenza”.

Cosa sono esattamente i Neon e in cosa si differenziano dagli assistenti digitali che ci siamo abituati a conoscere (come Siri o Alexa, oppure Bixby, il digital assistant di Samsung)? I Neon, dice l’azienda, “sono più come noi, esseri viventi virtuali ma indipendenti, che possono mostrare emozioni e imparare dall’esperienza”.

Progettati per avere conversazioni in tempo reale e comportarsi come umani, i Neon non hanno (per ora) un corpo ma su uno schermo appaiono davvero quasi indistinguibili da come possono apparire degli esseri umani reali. Non la sanno lunga un po’ su tutto come i migliori assistenti digitali, tuttavia sono in grado di acquisire competenze specializzate, sviluppare memorie e interagire in un’ampia serie di compiti che richiedono un tocco umano.

Per quanto ancora in fase sperimentale, i Neon sembrano rappresentare un notevole passo avanti nella direzione dei chatbot conversazionali con caratteristiche umanoidi sempre più sofisticate. Cosa possono fare, e in che ruoli potrebbero essere impiegati? Secondo Pranav Mistry, il CEO di Neon e direttore di Star Labs, essi possono anzitutto essere “dei nostri amici, collaboratori o compagni”. Poi possono agire come umani artificiali in una quantità di ruoli in cui la componente emozionale è importante, quali insegnanti, operatori sanitari, receptionist, maestri di yoga, consulenti finanziari, portavoce, ma anche cronisti televisivi, pop star o attori cinematografici.

Per le aziende, naturalmente, i Neon potranno assumere una serie di ruoli, tutti da disegnare, anche nel customer care o come brand ambassador. Tale prospettiva si inserisce perfettamente nella traiettoria di sviluppo delle intelligenze conversazionali accennata sia nel mio ultimo libro Storytelling e Intelligenza Artificiale (FrancoAngeli 2019) sia nel testo del mio amico e collega Alberto Maestri Platform Brand (FrancoAngeli 2019).

Dalle supermodel virtuali di Balmain (che hanno lavorato per il lancio della stagione autunnale 2018 conquistando la copertina di Vogue) ai Neon il passo è breve, ma c’è di mezzo un grande salto sul terreno della tecnologia. Come avevamo notato nei nostri libri, le macchine stanno rapidamente evolvendo nel dare luogo a creature artificiali con un’eccezionale human-like appearance e in grado di interagire con noi in modi sempre più profondi e complessi.

Nel caso dei Neon, tale interazione è grandemente facilitata dal fatto che il loro tempo di risposta nella conversazione con gli interlocutori è di pochi millisecondi – ovvero, è in real time. E la loro capacità di esprimere emozioni, ad esempio, di sorriderci quando opportuno, non potrà che accrescerne l’interesse e l’attrattiva.

I Neon sono stati al centro del buzz a CES 2020, malgrado la tecnologia non sia ancora disponibile (andrà in beta test nei prossimi mesi) e nonostante alcune perplessità riguardanti il piano della privacy. In un comunicato stampa, Mistry ha cercato di rassicurare che i Neon sono stati progettati avendo i temi della privacy e della fiducia al primo posto. E ha osservato che “abbiamo sempre sognato questi esseri virtuali nella fantascienza e nel cinema. I Neon si integreranno col nostro mondo e serviranno come nuovi link a un futuro migliore”. Non tutti sono rimasti convinti, ma il progetto di Star Labs non si fermerà per questo. Pertanto, stay tuned.

May 3, 2019 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

Alcune settimane fa DeepVogue, un software di intelligenza artificiale di Shenlan (‘Deep Blue’) Technology ha vinto il secondo premio all’International Competition of Innovative Fashion Design di Shanghai. Un concorso internazionale importante, al quale hanno partecipato 15 scuole di fashion design altamente qualificate come ESMOD, Istituto Europeo di Design, Tsinghua University Academy of Arts & Design e la China Academy of Art.

La vittoria è significativa perché è la prima volta che accade; e perché è un’altra prova del fatto che l’AI sta guadagnando capacità crescenti di operare nel campo della creatività. Certo la tecnologia di DeepVogue, come hanno riconosciuto i rappresentanti di Shenlan Technology, richiede notevoli input da parte di stilisti umani; ma poi il sistema utilizza il ‘deep learning’ (una tecnologia avanzata basata su reti neurali) per studiare ampi database di informazioni e quindi produrre modelli originali. Modelli a quanto pare di tale eleganza da conquistare il panel di 50 giudici della manifestazione, inducendoli a conferire a DeepVogue anche il “People’s Choice Award”.

Come ha notato un articolo di Enterprise Innovation, DeepVogue è stato costruito per verificare se l’AI possiede oggi quelle capacità di pensiero non lineare e ‘talento creativo’ necessari per dare vita a modelli in grado di figurare bene nelle più grandi sfilate di moda al mondo. Il risultato è decisamente positivo e sembra inaugurare un’epoca in cui la fashion industry sarà sempre più guidata dai driver paralleli dell’innovazione tecnologica e della creatività culturale.

Che l’AI riesca in questo campo, così sottratto alla logica, indubbiamente colpisce. La moda, nelle sue infinite variazioni di lunghezze, fogge, tagli, colori,  ha sempre avuto qualcosa di ineffabile, ciò che è all’origine dei costi a volte assurdi delle creazioni ritenute migliori. Ma se alcuni stilisti di gran successo possono vantare il tratto del genio, le macchine hanno dalla loro quello della potenza di elaborazione. DeepVogue ad esempio distingue 16 milioni di colori, e questo probabilmente può avvantaggiarlo nella scelta della tonalità vincente nella prossima stagione.

Questa incursione dell’intelligenza artificiale sul terreno del fashion design avviene nello stesso momento in cui la tecnologia fa passi straordinari sul terreno dello storytelling (come ho raccontato nel mio ultimo libro). Dimostrando in modo sempre più convincente, se ce ne fosse ancora bisogno, che gli algoritmi, pur basati su codici e principi matematici, hanno ottime carte da giocare anche quando si tratta di colpire la fantasia e l’immaginazione umana.

January 29, 2019 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

Da oggi il  mio ultimo libro è in libreria e può essere acquistato su Amazon. Di cosa parla? Le prime righe della quarta di copertina ne danno un’idea:

“Da tempi immemorabili, il racconto di storie è stato dominio esclusivo dell’uomo. Nessun’altra creatura vivente ha mai dato prova di questa particolare inclinazione, legata a prerogative tipicamente umane, come le capacità di elaborazione simbolica e di linguaggio. Da adesso in poi, però, con una cesura di rilievo storico ancora difficile da comprendere, raccontare storie potrebbe non essere più un’impresa soltanto umana. Sebbene nella fase attuale algoritmi e intelligenza artificiale tendano a intervenire principalmente con funzioni di aiuto, anch’essi possono essere considerati – sempre più – non solo meccanismi di riproduzione, ma veri e propri artefici di nuove storie e racconti. Questo passaggio è sbalorditivo ed emozionante”.


Il libro inquadra la transizione in cui ci troviamo, che sta portando i software, i sistemi artificiali, i robot a impadronirsi dei segreti dello storytelling. Quali ambiti sono toccati? Fra gli altri, il cinema, il giornalismo, il marketing, la pubblicità, i social media, la politica. Questo testo è una delle prime analisi compiute in argomento. Per saperne di più e capire cosa ci riserva il futuro su questo piano, non vi resta che leggerlo.

April 23, 2018 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming ubiquitous. We learn of stunning innovations due to AI, machine learning, augmented reality every day. Thus, it is only a matter of time before these extraordinary developments affect the world of storytelling too. In fact, the process has already started.

Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

Are you ready to be told new stories by robots? When do you think that could happen? For many, this idea is at the same time fascinating and troubling. When debating this issue at a recent Milan Digital Week conference, some issues kept popping up: How can machines create a meaningful story? Can they really involve us emotionally? Can stories based on algorithms be original? In general, there were more sceptics than believers. But in this area, like in many others, things are changing fast.


February 11, 2018 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

The seamless launch of the Falcon Heavy by Elon Musk’s SpaceX initiative last week is an impressive success: the rocket is incredibly big and powerful, and its technical advancement is such that NASA is now interested in purchasing some of its next flights.

That’s an extraordinary accomplishment. But what really struck me is the branding and advertising feat attached to it. As is widely known, the Falcon Heavy brought to space Elon’s Musk personal Tesla Roadster, and the car is possibly bound to remain fully exposed in orbit for… a billion years.


January 8, 2018 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

Nell’anno che si è appena concluso molte aziende hanno saputo creare storie di marca attraenti e di valore. Ma quella che per me è risultata la più interessante è Breaking2 di Nike. Lo stimolo narrativo è partito col trailer: Rompere la barriera di 2 ore nella maratona è impossibile. Tutti lo sanno. Lo sa la storia. Lo sa la scienza. Lo sa chiunque abbia un po di buon senso. È una follia. Nessuno può correre così veloce per tutto quel tempo. Quindi, ci proviamo noi.

Come? Tre maratoneti tra i più forti del mondo, tutti provenienti dai paesi dell’Africa orientale in cui correre è assieme normalità e leggenda. Un obiettivo considerato oltre i limiti delle capacità umane. Un gruppo unico di tecnici di Nike, medici dello sport, scienziati, ingegneri, fisiologi. Una nuova scarpa Nike realizzata per questo specifico evento (anche se poi disponibile a tutti gli atleti). Un investimento di milioni di dollari. Una partnership con National Geographic per registrare la cronaca di questa eccezionale impresa.


December 19, 2017 Joseph Sassoon No comments exist

Per cortese decisione dell’editore Franco Angeli, a distanza di sei anni dalla sua prima uscita il mio libro Web Storytelling viene ripubblicato. Ieri ho consegnato il testo aggiornato, e il nuovo libro uscirà con lo stesso titolo in Aprile 2018.
